


サブカルチャーの街、Dalston/ Subculture town Dalston

    Dalston JunctionまたはDalston Kingslandというオーバーグラウンド(JR的な存在)の駅があり、街を見渡してすぐは「素敵」だという印象を受けない雑多なエリアなのに、実は面白いお店が沢山ある掘りがいのある街なんです。そして決してメインカルチャーじゃないどこかサブカル臭がする。街を歩いているとセンスとスタイルのある、絶妙なスタイリングの男女とたまにすれ違います。どこか肩に力が入らない脱力系ファッションなのですが、NYのブルックリンのお洒落さんたちのように古着とかのミックスが上手い、というところに関心させられます。
    この街の面白いお店についていうと、まずDalston Junctionの駅すぐにあるCafe Otoという夜はライブハウスとして営業するカフェバーについて。2008年にオープン、オーナーが日本人とイギリス人のカップル、スタッフも日本人が多く、いい感じにリラックスなカルチャー系ロンドナーが集まる場所。クラシックなものから、アンビエント系、音響系、などちょっと捻りのあるライブをみせてくれる場所で、演奏者との近い距離で音が聞ける臨場感が特徴かなと思ってます。
    あとは、小さいながら絶妙なセレクションのレコードショップKristina Recordや、ハウス、テクノ、HipHopなどジャンルはイベントによって変わりますがThe Alibi、The Junction Room、The NestといったのDJバーなどがあり音楽好きにとってはなかなかたまらない場所です。

    Hi from cloudy London.
    I really into music so I would rather listen to music than eat. For me, it’s natural to fall in love with area that I feel the music is important part of the area.
    So today is about my favorite town in North-East London called Dalston.
    There are overground station Dalston Junction and Dalston Kingsland. You won’t feel anything special If you give a quick glance at the town, but actually there are many interesting shops around the area. I kind of sense that the town is not mainstream but subculture. You might often see fashionable people who has style for what they wear. They are not too well dressed and relaxed in a way, and like fashionable people in Brookyn NY. the know how to wear vintage clothes well, and I find that that quite impressive.
    Speaking of the interesting shops about this town, I should first mention about Cafe Oto witch is cafe bar basically and they open the place at night for live house. The place opened 2008, by a couple of Japanese and English, and many staff are Japanese, nice and relaxed cultural hotspot for Londoner. They have gigs for Classic to something bit maniac like Ambient, Noise so on. You can feel gigs close to you because it’s not big place, and I think that must be the sales point.
    Also there is a venue called BIRTHDAYS witch opens the ground floor as a bar/diner. It’s look bit hip but I like the line up is pretty nice and arty.
    There is a small but really nice selected vinyl shop called Kristina Record, and Dj bar and small venues like The Alibi, The Junction Room, The Nest which genre of music all depends on events.
    Dalston is really an attractive place for a music fan.
    I also find it’s very pleasant to know the character and taste of the town witch I wouldn’t find if I were here for short trip.
    I will write about restaurants in Dalston later.

    Cafe Oto→






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