
text by Shiki Sugawara

Interview with Michel Franco about “April’s Daughter”

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–First of all, I really enjoyed the film. It was really interesting. I’m not a mother and I don’t have children myself, but our another stuff is a mother. From those two points of view, we saw the film very differently. It was really thrilling to watch, because as you mentioned in the official interview, you tried to express four different people’s perspectives throughout the film. So it does give the audience vibrant emotional ride it seems. On your part, did you want to make something new by using four multiple perspectives?

“Absolutely. The subject matter was of course the relationship between mother and daughter at the start point. But then, yes, definitely I wanted to complicate things to have a least four points of view. Like the father of the boy, you know, smaller appearance but I wanted to have a complex because complicated things are happening. Also, most of my films features two main characters so this time I wanted to make a revolution. ”

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–“Chronic” also was really interesting, you always have character who’s not an angel. In this film, you have a mother whose quality is which we don’t usually associate with being a mother. So it feels like you seem to like to take a certain fixed idea of things and turn it on its head. Would you say it’s true? If so, why do you think you do that?

“I like getting as far as I can from film conventions. To become away film’s approach to characters, stories, subject matters. I think more directors take the same approach, you know, to get to connect with people through what they already know. I thinks films keep repeating that idea over and over again to make the audience connect to the movie. I think it’s lazy. I do want to connect to the audience, that’s very important. But I want to connect in an honest way. In a way much close to life than to cinema. Then I want to make it cinematic of course. But I don’t like using those conventions and stereotypes for characters.”



–Can you talk a little bit about collaboration with Yves Carp who who worked again on the film? He has a way of creating very immersive visual style. Can you talk about what discussion you guys had for this film and how you worked on it?

“I started working with Yves because I wanted to bring something new to my movies. He started getting involved in my forth movie. I liked his work, and at the same time, he liked my work, so he said he wanted to come into my world. The the collaboration started. But we let everything what we have been doing each other aside and we just came into finding the new best way to shoot and take movies. That was the most simple approach. We didn’t want to look for fake or easy aesthetic, you know, like nice photography. We want to make it interesting of course, but without many filters. Yves works very fast with natural lights and he’s always more into discussing what film is about than just lights. He really goes into the roots of what I’m trying to do and not stays in a superficial level. So we discuss a lot, and then, everything we agreed on, we have to test on set. Sometimes it works and the other times it doesn’t work because of what the actors are doing. So we also adapt what actors doing on the very same day. And then we reshoot a lot. 30% of my last a few movies and this movie, I reshot because there was whatever I don’t like or I think I could do better. Like, I shoot it again with different angles. It’s not like I wrap the film and go back. I edit at the same time I shoot so I go back and forth. Sometimes I reshoot three times.”




–I feel like you’re certainly a film maker who pursues the emotional truth of characters in your story visually and buy the way you inform the character. But one thing I’ve always thought interesting about your work is that many things take place in a car in your movies. What does that space mean do you?

“When I see the script, I get surprised myself there are so many scenes in a car (laughs). It has no meaning, but I guess living in a Mexico City 22 million people spend a lot of time in a car to go somewhere or commute. And in car is the intimate space, you know. At the same time, when the character is driving by himself, it’s a good opportunity to have a silent scene. I like the scene without any dialogue. Especially when you have a great actor with an interesting face. And this time of course there’s a meaning that we’re traveling with the character in this car. It’s important because it’s Avril traveling to find the thing she’s desperately looking for. Her fantasies. She wants to start her new life at some different place to get away from her daughter. So yeah, especially my first movie was happing in a car too. Which means without noticing I started this thing since the first point (laughs). ”



–Can you talk little bit about how Tim Ross got involved in this project as a producer?

” I started our friendship and cinematic relationship with Tim at the same time because it’s impossible to separate. We love movies and we always talk to each other or send messages to each other saying “I have an idea for a movie” or “I heard about the story I just wanted to tell you”. It’s been like that a while so I think now it’s impossible for me to make a project without having him involved. The same way with Gabriel and Lorenzo, they’re really successful directors in Mexico and part of my production company. I always get them involved as well. Tim lives in Los Angels and I live in Mexico so very very close. And even when he’s away shooting a movie, he saw like ten different versions of editing, read the script a free times, and gave me his ideas. I was thinking about shooting the film in the Staes so I asked him for some advices and he’s also a director himself so he understands a lot of cameras and editing. And of course, we are looking for something for me as a directer and him as an actor again. But in the meantime he’s also a director so I want to help him a producer, too. So cinema, when you find someone you understand and enjoy the same way, you have to stick to it.”



–Of course with somebody as like-minded as yourself about cinema, you probably get to talk about cinematic theory and also sought of philosophy. But I feel all of your films are constructed such a way that when the film ends, as a viewer, my mind completely goes blank in a good way. The way you end your films has that affect on me. And I was wondering whether you have a sought of aesthetic or a philosophy when it comes to how movies should end?

“Actually it’s very important. The most important thing is that to have no philosophy and not to try to make a film end a certain way. Every movie deserves a different ending. So I don’t want to decide the end of the film based on my philosophy. That’s important to begin with. And every movie has to find its own ending and when I’m writing I’m not sure what that’s gonna be. I have an idea but I change. Sometimes the movie and story itself tells me I have to change the idea although I have an idea. Having said that, I do have a something close to philosophy which is never solve everything for the audience. You have to make the story at certain point where audience can jump to their own conclusions. And if you leave the story open, you can keep working on the audience mind. They’ll keep thinking about the movie. Because if you solve everything, it’s very easy for directors to do and audience feel satisfied for a little while, maybe for a couple of hours. But there’s no mystery there and people will forget about the movie. Our lives are the same. You know, when you think of something about your life, you never have a single point of view. Your view you have today can be different from the one you have tomorrow. I want to reflect that directly on my films. I think that’s the best movies can do that. ”


text Shiki Sugawara

監督・脚本・製作・編集:ミシェル・フランコ (『父の秘密』(12)、『或る終焉』(15))撮影:イヴ・カープ(『ホーリー・モーターズ』(12)、『或る終焉』(15))  
2017年/メキシコ/スペイン語/カラー/ビスタサイズ/103分/PG12/原題:Las Hijas de Abril/英題:April’s Daughter 
©Lucía Films S. de R.L de C.V. 2017 後援:在日メキシコ大使館 配給:彩プロ 

1979年メキシコシティ生まれ。脚本家、監督、プロデューサーとして活躍。監督作として、第68回カンヌ国際映画祭コンペティション部門んで脚本賞を受賞した『或る終焉』(2015)、第65回カンヌ国際映画祭「ある視点」部門でグランプリを受賞した『父の秘密』(2012)がある。プロデュース作として、第65回ベルリン国際映画祭パノラマ部門で初監督作品賞を受賞したガブリエル・リプステイン監督『600マイルズ』(2015)、第72回ヴェネツィアヴェネツィア国際映画祭で金獅子賞を受賞したロレンソ・ビガス監督の『彼方から』(2015)などがある。自身の製作会社であるLucia Filmsで現在も複数の映画企画を進めている。



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