
text by Junnosuke Amai
photo by Takayuki Okada

Interview with Pale Waves about “My Mind Makes Noises”

NeoL_PaleWaves1|Photography : Takayuki Okada

The 1975やウルフ・アリスを擁するロンドンの最重要レーベル〈Dirty Hit〉。そんなUKギター・バンドの要衝が送り出す話題のホープが、このマンチェスターの4人組、ペール・ウェーヴスだ。すでに昨年来のシングル群を通じてセンセーションを巻き起こしてきたかれらだが、この度、待望のデビュー・アルバム『マイ・マインド・メイクス・ノイジーズ』をリリース。キュアーやコクトー・ツインズ直系のドリーミーで耽美なニュー・ウェイヴ・サウンドに加えて、“Loveless Girl”や“Red”といったR&BやEDM(!?)のテイストも窺わせるダンス・フィールにあふれた新曲が今作の魅力だ。先日サマーソニックでも素晴らしいステージを見せてくれたかれらを代表して、ヘザー・バロン・グレイシー(Vo / G)に話を聞いた。

One of the most important label in London called “Dirty Hit” which is known by having The1975 and Wolf Alice. And now Dirty Hit “the fortress of guitar bands” sent a new four piece band from Manchester, ”Pale Waves”.They already made a big sensation by previous their singles from last year,and now the long-awaited their debut album “My Mind Make Noises” is coming out.It follws the stream of The Cure and Cocteau Twins’s dreamy,and aesthetic new wave sound and also we can feel R&B and EDM taste from some of the tracks such as “Loveless Girl”and”Red”,which is very attractive as a dance-feel track.This time,we have Heather Baron-Gracie(Vo/G) who is represent of Pale Waves and ask her story after their great stage at Summer Sonic.




ヘザー「今とは全然違ってて、もともとアコースティックの曲を中心にやってたから……ドーターに近い感じ? 最初に目指してたのはドーターみたいなバンドだったのね。そのあとマンチェスターでドーターのライヴを観たときに、お客さんが全然踊ってなかったから、自分達がライヴをやるときにはお客さんに踊ってほしいと思って。そこから違う音楽を作るようになったの」


ヘザー「もうずっとよ! 子供のとき、親とか周りの大人から『将来何になりたいの?』って聞かれて、『ロック・スターになる!』って言って笑われてたけど、今はどうよ(笑)!? 見てよ、私の姿を(笑)!」


ヘザー「そうなの(笑)! 今では両親とも喜んで応援してくれてる」

–I was at Summer Sonic and I got really excited!


–At Summer sonic’s performance,I found new aspects of the band actually.That’s why I got excited.Anyway,let’s start with a basic question.So when you guys started the band four years ago,what kind of vision did you have about music?

“It was totally different from how Pale Waves is now.We started it out from acoustic tracks,so similar to Daughter.And after that we went to see them at Manchester,and realized that the audiences didn’t dance,so we totally changed our sound.”

–So,you graduated from music school,you wanted to do something about music?

“Always I’ve wanted to do something about music since I was a kid,when my parents asked me “What do you want to be?” I said”Rock star!”,they laugh.But now,look at me!”

–You really made it happen.

“I know,haha.They are really supporting to us!”

NeoL_Palewaves.2| Photography :  Takayuki Okada

NeoL_PaleWaves3 | Photography :  Takayuki Okada


ヘザー「そう、ダンスにもいろんな流派やスタイルがあるわけじゃない? でも、私達はダンス・ミュージックをやりたいわけじゃなくて、ポップ・バンドとしてみんなを踊らせたいの」








ヘザー「すごく似てるけど、私のほうが短気かな? すぐに怒るし、感情的になっちゃうときがある。キアラはすごく冷静で落ち着いてるっていうか……もちろん、彼女だって怒ることはあるのよ。ただ、私はそれをすごく大げさに表現するタイプだけど、彼女はそうじゃない。たとえば私は怒ってるときは、相手に自分が怒ってることを思い知らせるけど、彼女は内側に篭るタイプなのね。ユーモアとかファッションの趣味とか音楽に対する情熱もすごくよく似てるけど、彼女は穏やかな性格なのね」



–You want to make people dance with your music,but not like dance music but rock.

“Yeah.Because there are many different styles of dancing, forms of dancing,and we don’t wanna be like dance band,but we wanna be pop band.”

–I see.What was great about Ciara when you met her?How did you get attractive by her?

I” first noticed her because of her dress sense.She was wearing purple,tropical shirt.She would never wear that now,but yeah.Her fashion sense was worked first I noticed her.And we started speaking,we were just very similar people but same time completely different.And I’ve never felt comfortable by speaking my secret until I met her,but I already knew how comfortable it is.”

–What about your personality?Is it completely different,or similar?

“Well, it’s very similar but I’m more hothead,short temper.I can get really angry sometimes.I get too emotional,she is very calm,collective.Don’t get me wrong she can get angry though.But yeah,that’s why we’re so differ.So someone upset me,I will let them know,she won’t.She goes with it in herself. That’s why we’re kind of different.But humor, passion about music or fashion are super similar.”

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Palewaves_5|Photography : Takayuki Okada


ヘザー「ロバート・スミスっていう人物そのものね。ソングライターとしても素晴らしいし、世の中に存在するソングライターの中でも最高峰のひとりだと思う。あと、彼の書く歌詞がほんとに好きなのね。心酔してるって言ってもいいくらい。それにファッション・センスも文句なしに最高! ただもうロバート・スミスっていう存在自体が素晴らしいっていうか、独特のオーラを放ってて」





――”Loveless Girl”なんかはリズムもスロウで、R&Bっぽいテイストが感じられる曲ですよね。

ヘザー「そう、メンバー全員ともR&Bが好きなんだけど、とくにキアラはR&Bとヒップホップが大好きで、それを今回ペール・ウェーヴスのサウンドに取り入れてみたかったの。“ Loveless Girl”なんてまさにそうよね。これからもっとそっち方面のサウンドを追求してきたい」


ヘザー「えーっと、Dvsnとかケンドリック・ラマーとか……でも、どうなんだろう? 私も好きだけど、そこまで詳しいってわけじゃないからなあ。いつもキアラに教えてもらってるの。キアラが普段聴いてるのはR&Bなのよ」

–I think The Cure is the one of the biggest influence for your band,what is the great about The Cure you think?

“I think the best thing about The Cure is Robert Smith himself,I think he is one of the best songwriters ever existed,the way he writes lyrics is fascinating. And not only that,I love his fashion sense,he has his persona and his atmosphere.”

–I see.So now a lot of south-London bands are known in the world,but when you started your band,did you guys had a hope as a band?Because no one was listening to band music back then.

“Hmm, That is true. I feel like as soon as atarted Pale Waves,we wanted to be successful.And not only that,individuals,we started music since when we were very young age and especially me and Ciara needs music for doing what we wanted to do,so we definitely knew that our band can be popular.And I feel like a lot of bands coming out these days,many pop bands as well!”

–So you were sure about be successful,in a good way!

“Yeah! Well,I fel like if you love something or passionate about something,if you have to hold it simply in yourself and if you lack that,then you should stop doing.Because you have to believe that you can take take the world.”

–Okay.So let me ask about your album,”My Mind Makes Noises”.This album was kind of different from the singles you have been released.I think it have different image of aspects.Did you conscious about it?

“Yes,we definitely wanted to give our fans something that they had from us before.Of course singles and album are both our works,but we have pushed ourselves with this album creatively and production wide as well.I’m glad you think that.”

–Did you guys try new approach?

“Because we had a conscious thing in our minds,when we realized doing something very similar to how we did previously then we approach a different angle.For example like I have tendency of singing similar melodies which is like semi-tone,and we wanted to not do that much. “

–“Loveless Girl”for example,it’s kind of slow and R&B taste.did you actually tried to show that aspect?

“Oh yeah,because we love R&B but Ciara particularly. She really love R&B and HipHop,and that something that we wanted to bring it to Pale Waves’s sound,I think you can hear it from “Loveless Girl”.We definitely explore it in the future.”

–Who does Ciara like,R&b artists and HipHop artists for example?

“Dvsn,Kendrick Lamar…,it’s hard for me to say because I don’t listen to sort of music that much,I enjoy it but I always ask her recommend so.She mainly listening to those songs.”

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――逆に、アルバムの最後の曲の“Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)”はフォーキーなテイストですが、これは先ほど話していた“ペール・ウェーヴス以前”のサウンドに近い感じだったりするんですか。

ヘザー「スタジオで書いたんだけど、キアラにアドバイスされて作った曲なの。私が最初キアラに会ったときって、ずっと“Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)”みたいな曲を作ってたの。そのときにキアラと出会って、今のペール・ウェーヴスを始めたのね」


ヘザー「うん。で、あの曲を書いたきっかけは、キアラに『自分の原点に戻ってみたら?』って言われたから。自分はそれまでずっと“Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)“みたいな曲を作ってて、その音楽にキアラは惹かれてくれたわけだから。だから、自分の中では昔ながらのスタイルの曲で、ある意味、キアラと出会う以前から書いてた曲なのよ」









–“Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)”,the last track is kind of like forky.Is that something you writing when you started the band?Its sound is more like Daughter you said.

“I actually wrote that song in the studio,but that is one of the song which I got advice by Ciara.I used to write songs kind of like “Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)l”when I met Ciara and she fell in love those tracks,so that’s why we started Pale Waves with her.”


“Yeah, so She said “Let’s go back to the route”.It’s old school for me,I made those taste track before I met her.”

–What about the lyrics?You wrote about sometimes like sadness or pain,and it’s getting deeper now in this album.

“I feel like I get older,I become better songwriter.Because I had experience a lot as I get old,and I started understand myself,my own feelings.And I can explain myself better now.”

–Is the lyrics based on your own experiences?

“Yes.There is no fake. I feel failure if I write fake lyric.”

–Who do you think the best songwriter for you?

“(Immidiate answer)Robert Smith.”

–Wow,big influence,right?

“Yeah, definitely.”

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――キアラは今回のアルバムのなかで“Came In Close”がいちばん好きな曲だと話していたのをインタヴュー記事で読みましたが、ヘザーさんは?

ヘザー「“Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)”ね」



――なるほど。一方、その“Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)”と対照的に、“Red”はビート・コンシャスで、ちょっとEDMっぽさもある、あなた達にしては異色の曲ですよね。あの曲のアイディはどうやって生まれたんですか。

ヘザー「“Red” もすごく気に入ってる曲。もともとアルバムにアコースティックの曲が必要だってことで描きはじめたんだけど、キアラに聴かせたときに『この曲って、アコースティックにしては親密さに欠けるんじゃないかな』って言われて……私ならもっとディープなアコースティックの曲が書けるはずって意味で。もともとはアコースティック用に書いた曲だけど、それをポップ風にアレンジしたの」






ヘザー「どうだろう? でもやっぱり、もともとマンチェスターでペール・ウェーヴスを始めてるから。最初のライヴもマンチェスターだったし、リハーサルもライヴもずっとマンチェスターを拠点にしてきたしね。だから、マンチェスターはいつでも自分達にとって特別な場所であり続けるでしょうね」

–I read your interview and Ciara said her favorite track from this album is“Came in Close”.
What about you?

“Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die).”

–That’s because you feel your route from that song as you said?

“I feel like that’s me.As a songwriter,I think it’s more important and curious thing for fans.And I didn’t change it at all from I wrote it first time.It doesn’t feel elaborated but most natural,that’s why I like it.”

–At the same time,”Red”is more dance music,completely different from “Karl (I Wonder What It’s Like To Die)”where did you get idea from?

“I love “Red”.It actually started… you know, we need acoustic track so that’s how started.I wrote “Red”and let Ciara listen, she felt I could do better,for more deep acoustic track.She said”It is meant to be pop song”,that’s how it started.”

–So it totally different then!

“Yes,completely haha.”

–So, are you guys are based in Manchester now?

Base…not,really,I mean no where.Always in defferent places.”

–Is there any music community are you guys belong to?Arround you guys? There is big music scene in South London recently.

“Hmm,I started our band in Manchester and we grew up,our first show was there,and we keep rehearsing and playing there.So Manchester will always in the heart of Pale Waves.”

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ヘザー「うん。でも、それはだいぶ前の話(笑)。それこそ、チャーリー(・ウッド、B)とヒューゴ(・シルヴァーニ、G)がバンドに入る前の話よ。“Heavenly ”の一番初期のヴァージョンを録ったときにお世話になった人達で、小さなスタジオがあって、お金がないバンドにとってはすごく有り難い場所だったのね」





–There is the indie music venue called”Night and Cafe”in Manchester,you guys used to played there,right?

“Yes,it’s popular place in Manchester and that’s why we had a lot of rehearsal at there,it was in basement.But that place is basically café,and good music venue at the same time.A lot of bands in Manchester play there.”

–I read about Sugar house,production team of your band.How did you get to know them?

“Yes,but it was long time ago,haha. Before Charlie Wood(B)and Hugo Silvani(G) joined Pale Waves.That’s why we recorded”Heavenly” the very first version,it was really small and nice studio despite of no money band like we used to be.”

–So you guys do not want to belong anywhere but want to travel and spread your music as wide as you want?


–Okay,it will be last question.When people talk about your band,”pop”comes out.But how “pop”important for you?

“We just love pop.I think pop is the best genre.Because people think it’s for kids because it’s easy to ride,but it’s actually one of the hardest thong to get ride in great way.Yes,pop is very important thing to us,I hate attitude of people who saying pop is nothing,it makes me mad and I think they say it because they can’t make it,haha.But I mean,I think so. “

NeoL_Palewaves|Photography : Takayuki Okada

photography Takayuki Okada
text Junnosuke Amai
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

Pale Waves
『My Mind Makes Noises』
Now On Sale
(Dirty Hit / Hostess)

Pale Waves
ヘザー・バロン・グレイシー率いる英インディーロック・バンド。The 1975やウルフ・アリスを擁するUK気鋭レーベル<Dirty Hit>と契約し、2017年2月にレーベルメイトであるThe 1975のマシュー・ヒーリーとジョージ・ダニエルがプロデュースしたデビュー・シングル「There’s A Honey」を発表し脚光を浴びる。同年8月、セカンド・シングル「Television Romance」を発表し、Spotifyの<最優秀インディー・リスト2017>に選出。当時シングルを2枚しかリリースしていない新人としては異例の早さでNMEの表紙に抜擢される。BBCによる<Sound of 2018>やMTVによる<Brand New 2018>など多くの音楽媒体でノミネートされ、ブレイクする有力新人として世界中から熱い視線が注がれている。2018年2月、NMEアワードにて最優秀新人賞を獲得。5月にはデビューEP『オール・ザ・シングス・アイ・ネヴァー・セッドEP』を配信とレコードのみでリリース。8月開催のサマーソニックで初来日。9月に待望のデビュー・アルバム『マイ・マインド・メイクス・ノイジーズ』をリリース。
バンドメンバーはヘザー・バロン・グレイシー(Vo / G)、キアラ・ドラン(Dr)、ヒューゴ・シルヴァーニ(G)、チャーリー・ウッド(B)。



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