Isaiah J. Thompson is a jazz pianist, bandleader, and composer. He began studying classical piano at the age of 5 and quickly branched out to other styles. He was admitted to the Juilliard School at 18 and since has performed with major artists including Christian McBride, Joe Farnsworth, Rodney Whitaker, and was featured on ‘Handful of Keys’ with the Jazz at Lincoln Center with Wynton Marsalis. We have the honor here to interview him and his quartet to see a unique point of view that these amazing young jazz musicians share.
Isaiah J.Thompson (Piano)「ジャズピアニストのアイゼイアです。ニュージャージー出身の21歳です」
Evan harris (Tenor Saxophone)「エヴァン・ハリスです。僕はオーストラリア出身の25歳です」
Zachary Adleman (Drums)「ザック・アイデルマンです。僕もニュージャージー州からで、22歳です」
Philip Norris (Bass)「フィリップです。ノースカロライナ州出身の21歳です」
—First of all, please introduce yourselves.
Isaiah: I am Isaiah and I am a jazz pianist from New Jersey. I am 21.
Evan: I am Evan Harris and I am from Australia. I am 25.
Zach: I am Zach Adleman and I am also from New Jersey. I am 22.
Phil: I am Philip and I am from North Carolina. I am also 21.
—Wow. You guys have really accomplished a lot at such a young age. How did you all get started with music?
Isaiah: My parents wanted me to do something so they put me into a lot of different programs like fencing and tap dancing and stuff. And I wanted to play the piano so they put me into a music school in New Jersey. So I did that for a while and then found myself loving jazz. So that is where I started and that is also how I met Zach. And it was a very intense program, they were really teaching us the real stuff. There were two big bands and a few small ensembles. It is funny being young but having these people who are serious with you. Because like you can’t always understand the depth of what you are actually doing. I mean, at the very beginning I wasn’t that interested and there were times when I wanted to quit but then I watched the recording of my playing and I thought, alright this is cool. And then my parents put me into all sorts of programs and it pretty much became my whole life. And when I was in sixth or seventh grade, I thought that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Evan: So I grew up in Sydney and I wanted to play saxophone when I was in school. But the school put me on flute because they needed that. So I had been playing flute since second grade. And then played the flute exclusively till maybe ninth grade. I liked it and my parents put me in orchestra and it was fun. Then I saw the stage band playing some fun music and I wanted to play saxophone again. And so I got started and it just sorta, as Isaiah said, became your whole life. I never regret it, well, not so far. I moved to the states because I applied for the master degree at Juilliard and so I moved to New York.
Phil: I grew up in Canada and both of my parents are classical musicians. My sister played the piano. So when I was young she would be practicing and I would hear what she’d play and go play the same thing. So my parents put me into a piano program. And then we moved to North Carolina and my mom was a freelance trumpet player and then she became a band director. And she was my band director when I started out the band. I wanted to play cornet but she told me to play french horn. I started playing bass later and ended up choosing bass. I think I love bass the most because sound really matters when it comes to music. I am really attracted to the sound of bass.

ーー全員が共有するゴールがあるとしたら何ですか? 同じ価値観を持つ人達を見つけるのは難しいと思うんですけど、友達である上、アーティトやミュージシャンとして一緒にコラボできる人がいるのはとてもラッキーですね。全員で集まってグループとして成長していく感覚はどのようなものでしょうか?
—That is interesting. I heard your live performance the other day and the sound of your bass really stood out. How was it like to understand the sound of the harmony as band?
Isaiah: The best way we learn is by listening to the great jazz musicians and try to do the exact same thing. So those influence have definitely had the impact on how we are able to play in a certain ways but different people have different values. We are in a community with people who are all great musicians and artists, but sometimes they play in different ways and they have other goals. So when I hear other bands play I am like “Oh snap how can I do that and put it into my practice”. But I call these guys because we share similar goals and we also practice in the same way. The jam sessions could be different cuz there are always different people doing different things.
Phil: And it depends on who you listen to. I listen to Ray Brown and Christian McBride. The sound can always be heard. And there are other players who are more likely to be the supportive sound in the band. So that comes out in how you play and when you take on the role it will affect how others in the band may play.
—So what is the goal that you all share? It must be hard to find a group of people sharing the same value and getting along not just as friends, but also as collaborating artist/musicians. What is it like to actually get together and grow as a group?
Isaiah: Well. First of all, we talk a lot. We were up till 5 last night. And it happens a lot. There are times when we have to do gigs two nights in a row and we would stay up till three in the morning just to talk about how we performed and how we can make it better. Some people don’t need to. Some of the greatest bands didn’t really get along. I value talking with the people because we feel things personally and it comes out in our playing. We would be like “So what do you think about this section and why did you make that decision which affected the intensity? How do you like it? How can we change it next time?” So we would go to situations like “Why did this happen? You may be dragging on this session. Okay now I understand what you were trying to do.” Because no one is necessarily wrong. It is just about preference. We all come from different backgrounds and I called these guys and we love playing together because there are similarities. But we are all artists on our own so there are always going to be different opinions and ideas. But as we become more of a group, we will know each one’s idea within the music. And we would know what is most likely to happen even though the situations vary.

――なるほど。では全員の意見の違いなどはどういう風に乗り越えていますか? 自分達の経験や気持ちをとてもパーソナルに表した音楽が特徴的だと思いますが、そんな親しい気持ちを発信するのは難しくないですか?
—I see. So how are you dealing with the differences? Your music is so touching that it is based on your personal feelings and experience and then you transform it into your playing. But sometimes it is difficult to articulate and interpret the sensational experience. How do you guys deal with that?
Zach: I think it has to do with Isaiah’s vision because he is the leader. The other day we were debating over a session and the three of us didn’t quite like it but Isaiah really liked it. So he was like okay we are gonna do it. And at the end of the day it is not that big of a deal.
Isaiah: Haha true. I respect everyone but when I feel strong about something I’d stick to it and they would just got used to it. I value their opinions very much and I didn’t think that I would be the leader. Phil made me do it. I started writing these tunes and Phil said that sometimes when your sound stands out in a band, you don’t really have a choice. So I became the leader. I say it all the time that I believe we are all human first and the identity of a musician comes second. And I always try to treat things with integrity. And the bond we have with each other is very much the reflection of how we play. So that is really important. Even though sometimes things are not cool and I can feel it, whether if it is musical or not, we can always talk about it later. Because what is important to me is that to treat people with respect. We disagree all the time but we never fight.
Phil: We see each other a lot because we all go to Juilliard but Zach goes to Michigan State. And in between the time that we are not together, each of us might develop a different way of playing which might affect us as a whole. So when the three of us go see a jam session and Zach is missing, he might not know what we are talking about. So then sometimes we don’t know what each person is going for. But as we come together and play, we figure things out. This week we were talking about time and intensity. Mostly me talking about it. I was trying to get everyone understand how I felt about it. And then I think the most exciting progress we made was that we all sat down on the couch last night till 5am and we watched the video and listened to it. And when I heard what I was trying to talk about, I was like “Did you hear that?” And they are like “Yeah. I was playing too loud. Why would I do that?” So that is the best way to do it. To watch the recording together. You have the idea of what is in your head, but watching it is like understanding the truth, and so we would agree on things and make changes.
Isaiah: It is also very important to remember that humanity is the core. Not every person is supposed to know everything. You can be wrong and that is okay. Sometimes when things go wrong you can just be like “Oh yea, that went wrong. My bad.” It is okay to be wrong. There are people who are so uptight about everything and think that they have to be right all the time. But that is not us. You are human. Being truthful is the key.
Zach: I feel like how we value the explosion and intensity is making us unique. It is amazing but also it is a challenge to achieve something like that. When we are quiet, we are still trying to maintain the intensity. And when we are loud, we wanna maintain the control. And also never giving up on the intensity.
Isaiah: Yea.Intensity very much matters. I sometimes write certain songs that are hard to play and so the intensity has to be in a certain way or people will leave. That is one thing we talk about a lot. And we ask each other if we are feeling right when we play. Because the tempos are just hard to play. And we are just trying to be musicians and play music the right way.

—Talking about getting the intensity out. Sometimes it could be difficult because you don’t want things to sound forced. So how do you manage to find the balance?
Phil: If you go to a sports game, like in a sports team, there are different players. And everyone has the idea of what they are trying to do. So we have the idea. But no one actually knows what is going to happen. Because whoever gets the ball can pass it to whoever he wants. And if they end up passing it to that person, something may happen that is different. And if you watch sports game, you’d find out that sometimes it gets really boring. Because no one can get the intensity going forever. So you see people walking out because it is boring. But then there are certain times when everyone is feeling it and they pass the ball well and the crowd gets excited and the intensity keeps building up. When that happens, the team itself has a momentum and it just happens to score. It just kinda happens. No one knows. So when we are playing, we have the ability to be like, if any of us makes a decision, and we all go with it, and we didn’t even think about it. We just keep going. Even when we don’t agree, we can still hit the point and lead up to the intensity and the overall feeling of the performance.
—Sounds like you are a really good team!
Evan: Everyone is aware of the decision being made. Every moment there is someone making a decision which has the potential to either continue where we are going or change it completely, that can be positive or negative. So when it is effective is when the four of us are playing and we are not mindful of the possibilities of changing things. We are open minded to the possibilities. We commit to the change of direction and we continue to make decisions. It is informed by all things, not just the musical ideas. So that is a pretty unique. We listen to each other pretty much the whole time. Each tune we play is shaped in the moment, and it is not necessarily repeating the same thing over and over. We played the same thing at Dizzy’s four nights in a row. And each night we play it differently. That is just because four individuals have their ideas changing each night. We would just embrace it and go with it. That is the commitment and that is what makes us unique as a jazz band.
—That is very intense. It is like unpacking information in a short time period.
Isaiah: Yes. You have to pick and choose the ideas. There are thousands of decisions being made by each of us and it is pretty fast.
Phil: And you get the best result when you don’t really think about it.
Isaiah: Exactly. It gets to a point when you can’t really focus on analyzing. You just do. It is hard because you don’t want to play the same thing over and over again. But we know each other personally really well so we sorta understand the situation intuitively.
Phil: Like once the momentum is happening and you can feel it, your decisions aren’t conscious. They just happen. They end up being the good decisions because they are just natural.
Zach: I think it goes back to what Isaiah was saying before. Humanity comes first. That is really important to all of us. I mean I sometimes ask them to explain what they are doing because even though I know everyone as a person, I can’t read their mind. I need to ask to know. We communicate. It is important to make each other happy so we compromise.

――どんな時や内容について妥協をしますか? バンド内での自分の役目は何だと思いますか?
—What do you all feel about compromising? What if you feel strong about something and others don’t feel the same? And what would you consider your role as in the band?
Isaiah: There was this one time I was playing with someone in a band and people were like “Let’s do this.” And I was like I really don’t wanna do this. And we did it and I was like “Oh okay this is fine.”
Phil: It is almost like relationships. Everyone functions differently when they are with different partners. So you might not do a certain things with this person, but you can easily do it with someone else. That is your preferences.
Evan: And it is always comfortable playing with them. In case you fall, you know someone is there to catch you. Any one of us can just stop playing, and it would still sound nice. Like an aircraft that can fly on one engine.
Isaiah: It is very hard since things have to make sense. If you are playing solo you have to add something on top of the sound of the group that is adding another layer.
Zach: As a drummer what I do mostly is shaping a song. If there is no song, then I got no job. To me it feels good to play with Phil because he is the bass player. In general, I feel like what I do is to contextualize.
Phil: Yea. I would say I am the deepest instrument but also the quietest, comparing to other instruments. And I don’t have much freedom, I just go with them and keep things constant. The important thing is when to go with it and when to get out of their way. So when you get out of their way, they can do a certain things. I feel like I am the grass. If I get too tall, I am blocking the way. You want to have a nice walk on the grass.
Evan: I think I share the responsibility of playing the melody with Isaiah. Whether it is composed or improvised. I build the texture and the layer. I provide the effect. We phrase the melody together. We are constantly in dialogue with each other.
Isaiah: Yea. I feel the same way.

――素晴らしい。今おっしゃったことはあなた方の音楽をどこへ導いているのでしょう? 最終的なゴールは何ですか?
—That is very impressive! So where do you think this is leading to now? What is the goal?
Isaiah: The goal is to get closer and closer to the vision that I have and I am trying to define it more and more specifically. We are getting closer to what I am actually hearing and I have to figure out what I am hearing, so that is funny. But with these guys, I always feel like I can do both at the same time. Sometimes during rehearsals I am like “Oh okay this is what I am trying to do” and then I explain to them. But I think for us, traveling, playing, getting better and studying music is what we will always be doing. I don’t know. Being people. That is our goal. To be good people. And then good musicians.
—Wow. That is absolutely touching. You guys really are living the dream life. Thank you so much for having this conversation! Wish you all the best of luck!
photography & text Baihe Sun