

是枝裕和×菅野よう子『海街diary』インタビュー/Hirokazu Koreeda & Yoko Kanno “Umi-machi diary” Interview



 “This is the first time I have thought of matching the music to the scenes and actors.” Haruka Ayase, Nagasawa Masami, Kaho, and Suzu Hirose are four elite Japanese young actresses who play four sisters in the much talked about movie called “Umi-machi diary” (Our Little Sister). When he started thinking about making a movie based on this story set in the ancient capital of Kamakura, the director Koreeda had an idea. He decided to put Yoko Kanno, who had done everything from animation films to live-action films, to pops and commercials, in charge of the music. Koreeda and his team join us for the first time and look back on this “antagonistic story of light and shadow, in which we tried to express the flow of time itself.” How was this masterpiece, a delicate testimony of the changing seasons and of every breath of the people living there, born? Two talented people representing the Japanese film industry and the music industry told us all about it.











菅野「そうだったんですね! 今、初めて知りました」



──This movie was in fact the first time you’ve met, isn’t it? Director Koreeda, how did you decide to have Ms. Kanno do the music for the movie?


Koreeda: First, I had this idea that since there are four sisters and the story unfolds over four seasons, a string quartet would be a great match…I was in fact listening to Mozart and other composers’ string quartets while writing the screenplay.


Kanno: I see.


Koreeda: And then we started shooting the movie. I was still not sure about the music and we were talking about it on the set, wondering what kind of music would work best. Ms. Nagasawa (Masami) just happened to be near and she mentioned Ms. Kanno’s name. She said, “I’ve always wanted to be in a movie where Ms. Kanno’s music was playing.”


Kanno: Oh! I’m honored! (laughs)


Koreeda: You know the soundtrack CD Ms. Kanno created for the morning TV drama “Gochiso-san”. I think it’s called “Gochiso Notes”. There was this one song called something… March.


Kanno: You mean the “Muslin March”?


Koreeda: Yeah, that one. (laughs) One of our staff brought it over. We played it over the images we’d just finished shooting, on a computer on set. We had already finished shooting the spring scenes, so we played it over the scene where the youngest sister, Suzu and a boy from her class were riding together a bicycle under a row of cherry trees. That short melody and the image seemed to have been made for each other.


Kanno: Really?


Koreeda: It was just perfect! As the song reached its climax, the couple looked up and they saw the cherry trees in full bloom──you know (laughs). This song that had been written for a completely different movie felt like it was tailored to match mine. We were looking at the computer screen and the staff said: “Amazing! It’s just too good to be true!” So you see, I just had to ask you!


Kanno: I had no idea! It’s the first time I’ve heard this story!


Koreeda: I didn’t want you to feel like it was just a random decision, so I didn’t tell you. (laughs)



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