
text by Nao Machida
photo by Sachiko Saito

Interview with Rimau Grillo Ritzberger about “One Kiss” / 『最初で最後のキス』 リマウ・グリッロ・リッツベルガー来日インタビュー

NeoL_Rimau_onekiss2 | Photography : Sachiko Saito




——Welcome to Japan!

“Thank you! I’m very happy to be here.”



——I heard you got to meet the Japanese audience at the theater today. How was it?

“It was… Wow! It was great! I talked before and after the screening. After the screening, I received some questions and they were very interesting. They asked me about the purpose of this movie. I have a feeling that this movie has a very specific purpose. It discusses about some issues that are very strong in Italian society. And I felt like some issues are real in Japan as well, like violence towards women and LGBT. So I was very happy to hear that in some ways the movie was capable to talk to people like it did in Italy. It was very emotional for me to meet the people after (they saw the film.)



——It was such a beautiful film, but it hurts so much. It brings so much emotion out of you.

“Yeah, it’s also kind of difficult. I love the movie, I love talking about the movie with people, but at the same time, I’m always scared because it’s so ambiguous. It has to talk about important matters, but at the same time, it’s so hard. So I’m always like, ‘Hey, don’t cry… But yes, cry!” [Laughs] and so you cry but I’m happy. So it’s kind of difficult to deal with it, but I think that is part of this movie.



——Like you said, some of the issues this movie discuss about exist in Japan as well. I wish I saw this film when I was a teenager.

“Thank you. That means a lot to me.”


RGR「ありがとう! 脚本をいただいたとき、僕はまだ高校生でした。イヴァン・コトロネーオ監督は脚本家としてスタートした人で、素晴らしい脚本を書くので、初めて読んだときは泣いてしまいました。自分が出演しているので、映画を観て良いか悪いか判断するのは難しいのですが、脚本を読んだときは力強い作品だと思いました。初めて読んだときから大好きな作品です」

——I heard this is your first movie, but you were excellent in it. What did you think when you first read the script?

“Thank you! I received the script when I was still in high school. The director, Ivan Cotroneo started as a writer. He writes really well, so I cried when I read it for the first time. I can’t judge the movie at the end of the screening because I’m in it, so it’s kind of difficult to say if you did a good job or bad job. But when I was reading it, it was so strong. I really loved it when I read it for the first time.”

NeoL_Rimau_onekiss1| Photography : Sachiko Saito



——Lorenzo is probably not the easiest role to play especially for the first time, but you did a great job. How would you describe him in your own words?

“I think Lorenzo is freedom. I love Lorenzo because he is not scared of anything. So it is difficult to play a character like Lorenzo, but it isn’t. Because basically, you just need to be free to dance, to put on a shirt with butterflies on and shoes with wings, go dance and have fun. It’s a very beautiful character to play.”



——Are you like him in any ways?

“I mean, yes and no, because Lorenzo is freedom but at the same time he is very aggressive. I think part of the problem in the movie is that Lorenzo is playing ‘I am perfect’ guy. He knows he is not in a perfect society, but he doesn’t care. This is his strength, but at the same time, he creates weird connections with people who are not ready like Antonio. We have a perfect Lorenzo and a scared Antonio meet, and it creates a problem in the relationship.”



——They are two extremes.




——How did you prepare for the role?

“I learned a lot of body movements. Because I think in real life, the most difficult part is moving free. So I did a lot of dance lessons and theater lessons for moving in space. I think Lorenzo is a character that has a control of the space around him, and moves very confidently. And I got lessons by the super choreographer, Luca Tommassini who is a very popular dancer. He danced with Madonna and Michael Jackson.”



——Wow, that’s exciting. That’s a top class lesson.

“It was very very exciting. He was a great instructor. But I’m not a top class dancer [laughs.] This was a problem.”


RGR「一度も! 僕のダンスはひどいものでした」

——Did you grow up dancing?

“Never! I was terrible.”



——You were great in the film though.

“Thank you [laughs.] It was Luca’s job. I was dreaming about dance moves the day before the dance scene because I trained a lot. I was very nervous. In the movie, there is this dance scene in which Lorenzo dances on his first day of school. And the scene starts from inside the car where Lorenzo and his mom were, and the car moves to the entrance of the school, and Lorenzo gets off the car and starts dancing. But I didn’t know there would be so many people watching me, so when I get off the car, I went ‘What!?’”



——[Laughs] But you had to be very confident.

“Yeah [laughs.]”



——What was most challenging making this film?

“I’m really proud that I got to play this role in this movie. I think the most challenging thing we did in this movie was not during the making of this movie, but afterwards when we went to schools. Because I think making a movie is something but a movie is alive when watched by people. So talking to people, using the movie for talking, then it felt like the movie is alive. I was able to talk about something to transfer some emotions and some matters, and I could connect with people. We felt that we were doing something important when we were in schools.”

——イタリア中の高校を訪ねてティーチイン付き上映会を行ったという、「Un Bacio Experience」と題されたキャンペーンですね。(


——So for this campaign “Un Bacio Experience,” you went to high schools all over Italy, right?

“Yes, we met about 30,000 students. The project went on for one year, and Ivan, Leonardo (Pazzagli,) Valentina (Romani) and I split some time.”



——What were some of the reactions from the students that surprised you?

“One was when this girl said ‘I really wish I could show this to my parents.’ The most controversial but very interesting reaction that we received was in Genova, and it happened some time during the kiss scene. Someone in the audience screamed ‘No! What is happening!?’ and it was echoing in the movies. Because they are in high school, you know? At the end of the screening, I asked, ‘Who screamed? Could explain us why?’ Usually, no one stands up and talks, but this time, a boy stood up. He said ‘It was me. I screamed. But as I see how the movie ends, I realized that the movie ends like this also because of people like me.’ And I was like, ‘Wow, really? You made all those connections watching the movie?’ And I think then we realized the movie was capable of talking in some way. Maybe only for this guy, but it still means a lot.”



——Bullying is a big problem in Japan as well. How do you think your perspective changed after having worked on this film?

“It is a problem all over the world. I think it exists among adults, and in some way, children are talking it and reproducing it in their young society. This is why the movie like this can talk to the next generation, so when they become young men and women in the society, maybe they are going to change it. I don’t know if this movie is going to change people’s mind, but it changed me. This movie gave me a whole new perspective on my reality I was living in, because I was in high school and realized there was a lot of stuff that was not going in the right way. It opened my eyes, and I was like, “I have to settle and concentrate, and see through these problems that we have.’ I had to admit myself that I was part of not bullying but the climate and environment which in some way supportive of bullying. And this is something everyone has to question himself. Am I part of this? Because it’s not a lot, but only being a part is not good, we can do a little and we can avoid it.”



——It must have been a lot of fun working with actors close to your age. What were some of the memories you have?

“A lot of memories. We were selected to be a team in some way. It was not like a single actor for a single part, but three of us had to have a strong connection on and off set. One day, it was a long day of shooting and we finished at four in the morning. We were all living in the same hotel and my room was the only one with the balcony. But the problem was that my room was close to Ivan’s. So we were in the balcony and talking like, “Wow, it was terrible today! Have you seen this guy? What was he thinking!?” And then, all three of our cell phones rang. I said ‘I got a message from Ivan’ and they said ‘Me, too!’ And Ivan texted, ‘I can hear you…’ It was kind of embarrassing [laughs.]”

NeoL_Rimau_onekiss3| Photography : Sachiko Saito


RGR「そうでもないです。イヴァンにとっては、映画の製作までの道のりが非常に長かったので、僕らは彼らが作り上げたものを完全には認識していませんでした。イヴァンは(本作のインスピレーションとなった)ラリー・キング殺人事件が発生した時にアメリカにいたのですが、当時、イタリアの国会では同性愛差別によるいじめや犯罪に関する法制度についての議論が行われていました。イヴァンはその議論をもとに『Un Bacio』(本作の原作)という本を書き始めたのです。その後、彼はこの本について学校で話し始めました。彼が映画の製作を始めたのは、その後のことです。だから、撮影を始めた時点では、この問題に対するイヴァンの個人的な興味がここまで物語に含まれているとは理解していませんでした」

——Did you guys discuss a lot about the issues dealt in the movie before filming?

“Not really. Because it was a long road for Ivan to come to the movie, and we were not completely aware of what he made. He was in America when the Larry King homicide happened, and at the same time in Italy we had a discussion in the Parliament for a law against homophobic bullying and crime. Ivan started writing the book “Un Bacio” for this discussion in the Parliament. And after that, he started talking about the book in schools. Only then he started with the movie, and when we started we didn’t know it was so much story and so much personal interest by Ivan on this matter.”



——What kind of message would you like to convey to the Japanese audience through this film?

“The most important message that the movie can give in my opinion is that sometimes we can avoid tragedy by talking. If you have a conversation, you can solve a lot of problems. When you don’t say things, you react brutally because you are afraid and don’t know what’s going on. It’s short steps to tragedy. But if you can only be calm for a moment and talk, you can avoid a lot (of tragedies), and you can live happier. You can say no or yes for everything. Not only about LGBT or violence but every matter in your life. And think before acting.”



——What do you think was the biggest thing you learned through this experience?

“There is a lot I learned from this experience. For sure, I learned a lot from Lorenzo, from his freedom, from the way he approach his life very confidently, and also not always caring about what other people think and being very clear about what he wants to do. At the same time, when I have problems, I use Lorenzo/Blu’s escape way and imagine what I want to do in the future. I say ‘OK, it’s like this at the moment, it’s going to be better in the future, because I know I’m going to be this, I’m going to do this.’”



——What do you think you would remember the most about this experience when you look back in ten years?

“I have to say it’s the meeting with people who saw the film. I had a big opportunity to bring this film in the whole world. I was in Israel, Mexico, the United States, France and now in Japan. It’s the same movie, but at the same time, it’s like it has another soul in a different place. It is filled by the people who watched the film. I love this experience and I think this is something I will always carry with me, and I’m so happy I had this experience.



——I think a lot of fans are expecting more films with you in it. I heard you are studying philosophy right now. What would you like to be in the future?

“It’s a good question [laughs.] I’m still in university and I’m continuing acting. I study philosophy because I like it, not because I want a job. It’s not easy to get a job with philosophy degree [laughs.] I don’t know, I’m trying to bring all my passions with me because I think everything is going to give me more experience and makes life more rich. And when I’m going to be tired, I will choose one way [laughs.]”

photography Sachiko Saito
text Nao Machida

『最初で最後のキス』(原題『Un Bacio』英題『One Kiss』)

2016年/イタリア/イタリア語/106分/カラー/シネマスコープ/ドルビー5.1ch 原題:Un Bacio 字幕:山田香苗 
提供:日本イタリア映画社 配給:ミモザフィルムズ/日本イタリア映画社 
©2016 Indigo Film – Titanus 


1997年4月15日オーストリア・ウィーン生まれ。インドネシア人の父とオーストリア人の母をもつ。3歳のときにイタリア、トリエステに移住。演劇のワークショップに通っていた経験はあったが、本作で映画初出演。Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalistsの新人俳優に贈られる「Guglielmo Biraghi賞」に選ばれた。TVドラマやCMにて活躍中。現在はローマ大学哲学科に通う現役大学生でもある。



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