
text by Ryoko Kuwahara

Self Isolation Issue: 「これから新たなプラットフォーム、遊び場を創るにあたって資本をベースにした考え方、働き方は一度離れる必要がある。今までの活動をいかに転換し、劣化版ではなく新たな経験を生むことができるか」Hiroki Ikegawa-Bassist, Merchandise Director for Crossfaith

#1: A photo that a childhood friend took at my home

ーーHow has the spread of coronavirus effect your lifestyle, creative activities, and in terms of business?

Hiroki : I am a member of a band and I do that for a living. As a band we mainly do live performances and produce music. In terms of the live performances, we had a tour in Europe for 5 weeks, starting from the end of January. However, our tour in Italy (2/24) was cancelled and in Switzerland (2/28), we were not able to get the permission from the government till an hour before the stage time. When we came back to Japan, the situation was even worse and we had to cancel all our tours including overseas summer tours until August. All our meetings are held online and as there’s more time to spend at home, I’ve began to think about my own room for the first time.

ーーDo you have anything you realized and want to keep in mind from now on going through this situation?

Hiroki : In the pre-coronavirus life, there were many projects planned based on a capitalism mindset and unconscious selections. Thinking back, I feel that there were ideas pitched but shot down through that routine. Now, in the process of creating a new platform and a new place for people to joy, there is a need for us to let go of our old perspectives and thoughts on working methods.

Also, you realize how much noise there was to human-being activities that were incorporated in our daily routines. Heading to meetings, going on the subways, eating-out. For me, spending my time outside of my house over half of my life, I found these routines normal and my house only functioned as a place to sleep. Now, in terms of people and objects that I find strong connections toward I bring forth and in spaces where quietness is needed, I examine each closely and bring them back to my own space one by one.

I also found this moment as an opportunity to abstain myself from eating for a week, to make my own meal, and spend a day just listening to my own voice. I’ve come to adapt myself to settle down.

#2: Zepp Tokyo, 10.27.2017

ーーHow are you preparing yourself mentally and physically towards the emergency declaration?

Hiroki : Firstly, I bought books about areas of studies I wouldn’t usually choose and a catalog on glass exhibitions of museums, creating an environment where I can learn when I feel like it. I also started incorporating yoga into my daily routine as a way to exercise. In my own journals, I would write topics free of emotions in English and my thoughts in Japanese.

ーーIn light of your own activities, what kind of indoor creation is possible?

Hiroki : If you ignore the physical aspect, anything is possible. It’s about how to convert the activities into a way that fits the current coronavirus situation. Not degrading the quality, but creating a brand-new experience.

ーーIf you have any recommendations or ideas on how to use online applications efficiently or any measures that one can take themselves, please share them with us.

Hiroki : Face-timing people who you usually do not interact with. Learning new languages through online-chat. Learning how to play a new instrument. To not just consider your room for its functionality, but repurposing it as a space of comfort through reconsidering the placement of furniture and taking consideration of the exposure of the sun. Do cleaning.

ーーDo you have anything you want to challenge yourself on?

Hiroki : I do not have much knowledge on politics. In the Leeds Festival’s backstage bar, a performer who was just on stage, his illustrator friend and his poet friend were discussing about the football game emotionally and all the sudden brings up the topic about politics as if they are talking about their sister’s butt and saying cheers with a pint of beer. Seeing that beautiful moment, I started contemplating on how people in Japan refrain from talking frankly about such topics in occasions as after-party. At the same time, I found need for myself to have a basic knowledge on politics in order to react towards the current events when talking with both those from my own country and different countries.

#3: Crossfaith Merch Lookbook ’18 Autumn

ーーAfter the coronavirus converges and the situation gets better, what would you like to do?

Hiroki : I want to let myself in cultures and countries that I have never experienced and make friends there. Being sad and happy together. Also, I want to walk around Osaka, drinking from daytime haha.

ーーDo you agree with the measures taken by the government? If not, what other measures would you recommend taking?

Hiroki : I would like the government to raise the subsidy for private business owners. In such long-term situation, a city without thrift shops, venues, record shops, and bars, is going to lead to cultural poverty. I feel apprehensive about the fact that we may not be able to have physical experiences anymore.

I am not completely satisfied with the measures taken by the government, but what’s worse is that those that are considered as bandsman are not raising their voice in such conditions. Such professionals as musicians, filmmakers, designers are giving out alerts towards their followers and as new platforms are being discussed, I feel that we are behind. I can imagine that those following only the bandsman’s account will see the same situation in their feeds.

I want to create a near future where every one of us looks into the government’s measures, replacing it with our daily lives, thinking and discussing about it, and taking actions toward it.

Hiroki Ikegawa

Bassist, Merchandise Director for Crossfaith

Twitter : hirocrossfaith
IG : hirocrossfaith

#1: Photo by dr.koto
#2: Photo by cazrow Aoki
#3: Photo by yukubo

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