
text by Mami Chino
photo by Yukitaka Amemiya

Interview with Goat Girl

NeoL_GoatGirl2 | Photography : Yukitaka Amemiya

サウス・ロンドンにある小さなパブ、The Windmillを中心に、次世代のアーティストが切磋琢磨している。地元の友達4人で結成したガールズバンド、ゴート・ガールもそこでギグを重ね、頭角を現したバンドの一つだ。世の中に溢れるとんでもない狂人たちを鋭くそして痛烈に描き、誰しもが胸中に抱える闇を一掃する。そんな女の子の代弁者である彼女たちのルーツを探ってみたい。先日リリースしたデビューアルバム『Goat Girl』をひっさげ、6月末に初来日ツアーを敢行する前に、ロンドンでのシュート、そしてドラマーのロージー・ボーンズにインタビューを試みた。

――まずはバンドのメンバーを簡単に紹介してもらえますか? そして、バンド結成までの経緯も。


–Could you just quickly introduce each member of the band and how you came about for you to start the band together?

“I’m Rosy Bones and I play drums. I joined about three years ago. So we got Naima Jelly on base, L.E.D. on guitar, and Clottie Cream on vocals and guitar as well. So I joined about three years ago and they’ve kind of been doing stuff for like, ever since they were like fifteen. All acoustic, only like … kind of trying to find a drummer but doesn’t find one that fit for ages. I joined like three years ago and just got off really well and it just kind of started to happen really quickly. We found our manager got in contact with us like a friend’s friend’s friend’s friend kind of thing. And yeah, kind of been growing up since then. It seems like a long time, but it’s happened really quickly.”



–Great, three years. Would you say you were the last one to be added on the lineup?

“Yeah, yeah I was the last one. But now we’ve got, they’re kind of like touring members but they’re like a English joined band so we’ve kind of added a strings player and a violin player. It’s quite nice to have more people on the band now and we’ve been touring with them recently.





–By the time you joined, was the band already called Goat Girl?

“Yeah, yeah. It was already called Goat Girl. It’s like named after this American comedian Bill Hicks. We wanted to pay tribute to him in some way.”



–Were you also familiar with his stuff?

“I actually wasn’t, no I didn’t know about it until I joined.”



–But you kind of shared the idea and what they wanted to..?

“Yeah. As soon as I watched his stuff, I was like, it’s very funny and great to stand for. And I could see how that was reflected in Lottie’s lyrics.”





–But you kind of shared the idea and what they wanted to..?

“Yeah. As soon as I watched his stuff, I was like, it’s very funny and great to stand for. And I could see how that was reflected in Lottie’s lyrics.”

–What about yourself? Have you always been a drummer?

“Well, yeah. I played drums when I was like 12? I tried like piano and guitar but it didn’t really make that much sense to me. Then I started played drums and I just kind of like stuck with it and then I had lessons for a bit and then.. I had lessons but I just learned the basics. I didn’t get much better until I actually started the band and playing live, and writing songs, and playing your own thing, not playing what you’re told to play. Having your own creative input to it. So yeah, I’ve always kind of been mainly a drummer. I’m trying to teach myself piano at the moment as well. I think drums and piano are quite similar because you’re using your limbs to be a good thing. Like piano, using both your hands like the base, the notes, and it kind of makes sense to me as well.”

NeoL_GoatGirl4 | Photography : Yukitaka Amemiya



–You told me it was three years ago that you joined the band, but what I know is that all of you are basically around 20 years old right now?

“Yeah, we’re 20, 21.”



–So that means you’re only.. You were still in high school maybe when you joined the band?

“Yeah we were all coming to the end of it. And when I joined, I started in school and we would have jobs. And then we finished it and I started focusing on it full-time.”





–Would you now tell us about the process? We’ve got this album of yours out for months now here in Japan and I think like 4 bonus tracks added. So how was this album made, and what was the actual songwriting process like?

“Some of the songs were songs that like were there way before I joined. Songs that they’ve been writing since they were young, during their teenage years. So all the songs on the album are pretty much songs that we’ve been hearing since we’ve started taking it more seriously and the songs that we play, they made sense to us to belong in the album, put it all into one of the things because it feels like one part of our life. It kind of feels like maybe think about doing something different. It feels like, they haven’t been here for that long but they do feel like very much in the same world, each other. Some of the songs we write, kind of usually starts with the foundations of the song, jotting down lyrics and ideas flowing. Sometimes it’s quite tedious because sometimes you try and over complicate it, and add all these weird sections and then like it’s almost like full circle and we’ll go through so many different verses of it and come back to the original thing, which is more simple. And it’s better than being complex.”

NeoL_GoatGirl5| Photography : Yukitaka Amemiya





–Yeah, I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve heard you’ve actually recorded like 3 or 4 songs on tape almost live in the studio?

“Yeah, with the album we kind of spread it out, so we did loads of rehearsals before we recorded it and we got a feeling of how we wanted it to be, and had like sections. When we were all practicing it, it was like 14 songs and then we practiced it and practiced it from start to finish. And when we were practicing, we’d go like “yup, that’s songs a little…” and then we’d do it again and again and again. Then when we recorded it, we did it in 4 sections – so like 3 or 4 songs in a section, and then we’d set the tape. So if we started with the first song, and then if we fucked up on the second song or something, then we’d have to go back to the beginning and do it all over again. So it’s kind of like getting used to sections that flowed into each other.”


Rosy「そう、そこは深く考えてやりたかったの。初めてのアルバムだから、標準的なアルバムじゃなくて、もっと意味のある……フルアルバムとして存在感あるものにしたくて。シングルコレクションみたいなのとか、隙間を曲で埋めているようなアルバムにはしたくなかったんだよね。これは、プロデュースしてくれたダン・ケリーのおかげでもあるのかな。彼も大活躍だったのよ。私たちは当初から方向性を決めていたから、彼なら何度もアルバム制作に携わっていただろうしと思っていたら、まさかの録音すらほとんどしたことがなかったんですって。だから全員にとって初体験 という意味で、すごくワクワクしたし楽しかったわ」

–Wow, the songwriting process itself sounds quite complicated then. People talk about how it’s lo-fi but the sound and the way you recorded it was probably very simplified, the actual way of putting things together was not that simple.

“We wanted to think about it in quite a lot of depth because this is something that was really important to us, like our first album. We didn’t want this to be like a standard album, we wanted it to mean something and be a full album in its own entity and not just like a selection of singles or songs that are just filling up space. We couldn’t really do that without Dan Carey, the producer, he really played a bit part in it as well. We kind of had the idea together to do it like that. He thought that it was something that he digged quite a lot, but he never records like that at all, really. It makes sense to all of us, so it made it exciting and fun.”



–That’s very interesting, you kind of inspired Dan as well with this concept. Who writes the lyrics mainly?

“Lottie(Clottie Cream) writes the lyrics, yeah.”



–Do you all have your say in what to sing about and stuff?

“Yeah, well Lottie usually has the lyrics so sometimes we get it together in someway in like a chart or something. But yeah Lottie usually does them and we’re always happy with them because she’s such a good lyricist. But it’s all kind of equal with all of our opinions are respected.”









――そうでしたか! で、話を戻すと、そういったことをメッセージとして世界とシェアしたいという想いがあるんでしょうか?普通の日常的なことを歌うのではなく。まあ、これも日常の一部ではあるんですけどね。怒りや不満を直接的にぶつけるのではなく、ストーリーとして聴かせることでその真意について考えてもらいたい、とか…?


–She is definitely a good lyricist and also the songs are dealing with issues and messages we all can relate to. Like for instance, Creep – we have that happening here as well. The only difference is that our molesters are dressed in suits and ties. I’m talking about those who are on the way to work. Are these ideas that you’d like to share with the rest of the world? Rather than singing about what’s going on in your daily life, rather than sending out simple anger or frustrations, you would rather tell the story through the songs and let the people say?

“Yeah it’s kind of like maybe a bit of both. Quite often (it’s easy) to talk about what’s surrounding you. Even though it’s quite specific to English culture, it can be related to everyone, like you were saying, about a creep on the train. That’s just something that most women can feel or just any kind of sexism that you experience. And the more political songs can be related to the general unhappiness of not having any control. I feel like everyone relates to it. I feel like everyone is in a sticky situation right now, as in, the world is just not really how you want it to be.”

NeoL_GoatGirl7 | Photography : Yukitaka Amemiya





–Musically, even though you guys are so young, we can hear older musical elements in what you’re doing. What are some musical inspirations that you’ve been exposed to?

“We don’t really think about it. We all are our own styles, like you know Lottie is pop music, Gwen Stefani and Rihanna, and all those people. I think we all grew up with that and those strong female singers. We all grew up with that, and I feel like it showed for a bit, the kind of catchy ness, I think that’s been like a big inspiration for us. When we started playing guitar music, we were into that scratchy, guitar, out of tune sort of thing. We all kind of listen to different stuff now. I kind of like, go through stages of things I listen to, but now I’m really into classical music, minimalism, and rap. So we kind of go through stages. I think anything you listen to somehow influences how you play in some way. Maybe, makes it a bit more interesting.”



–Have any of you studied music at all?

“I did some kind of basic.. None of us have really studied it properly. I wish I had now that loads of my friends are really good with music and really competent at their instruments. Lottie did one year at a university. But I think that’s kind of about like production and sounds and everything. There are some quite bit of it, but not like, not really properly, to a certain extent.”



–I just asked this because you’re from the generation of people who don’t really limit yourself to whatever that is. You probably are able to express yourself not just through music but through other art forms as well if you want to. Because you were talking about how you want to be expressive, how you want to be creatively expressive and that’s how the drumming really spoke to you. But why do you think it was music that you wanted to go further into?

“I don’t really know. My parents really liked music but they’re not like very musical. So they got me into a lot of music when I was younger, with showing. And then I started going to a lot of gigs. And I think just like playing made me like, “yeah, that’s what I want to do”. Yeah, and just finding people like your friends and then looking at music with them and playing with them is just something I really love. There’s a whole community of it and getting to watch other bands and getting be by other bands, I think it all goes full circle in that way, kind of like a nurturing ecosystem in itself.”

NeoL_GoatGirl8 | Photography : Yukitaka Amemiya



–Yeah! What’s been going on there? Seems like something very exciting is happening on in the South Bank, South London. Maybe your parents’ generation started something, like sending out all the creative kids?

“Yeah, I think everyone is, you can be in a safe space and people can make for whatever reason they want. It’s not really one set thing, it’s like very diverse and it looks really nice but it’s like not just music because it’s art, there are journalism, people making their own magazines, people putting in their own, creating in that sense it’s a very creative atmosphere. It’s kind of that thing where it’s just like, yeah whatever want to do, there will be a platform for you to do that, and everyone will support it.”

――The Windmillという会場のことはよく耳にしますが、そのエリアには他にも活動の拠点となるような場所がたくさんあるんでしょうか?

Rosy「うーん…実はあんまり無くて、前はけっこういいところがあったんだけど閉鎖になっちゃって。ブリクストンのThe Windmillと、ニュークロスのFive Bellsぐらいかな、いい会場は。いつもそこに戻ってくって感じ。友達も多いし、好きな場所よ。好きなことを好きなようにやれる、ホーム感があるの」

–We hear about this place called “The Windmill” which seems to be your platform. Do you have plenty of venues where you can just perform in the area?

“Not as much really, there used to be one which was quite good but is closed down now unfortunately so, there’s The Windmill in Brixton and then there’s the Five Bells in New Cross That’s not as better really, the Windmill is the good, good place. Like everyone just kind of always goes back to that place because it kind of just has some sort of input to it in whatever way.”

――The Windmillにはどんな思い出があります?

Rosy「初めてのギグが最高だったのよ。友達が大勢来てくれてね。知ってる人の前でプレイするのは逆に緊張するんだけど(笑)。ブッキングしてくれたティム・ペリーはその後もずっと応援してくれているし、音響の人もそうだし、とにかく、あそこで色んないい出会いがあった。共演して知り合ったバンドも、今では友達だったりして。いいバンドが途切れることなく誕生しているの。ハロウィンには、いつも特別なライヴをやっているから、私たちも仮装して出たりして、すごく楽しい!あ、そういえば、私の一番の思い出は、友達のバンドが勢ぞろいして、カバーっていうか、お互いの曲をやったり一緒にプレイしたりした時があって…でも、あれは、観てる方は楽しくなかったのかも(苦笑)。 やってる方だけが楽しくなっちゃって、どんどんステージに上がって好きな曲をやるっていう…そういう空気があるのよね、あそこには。もう、楽しんじゃおうよ!みたいな(笑)」

–Would you mind sharing some of the memories you have from The Windmill from the earlier days of the band?

“Yeah, our first few gigs were really good. There were our friends there, which kind of makes it a little more nerve-racking when you’re performing. And I met like so many people through it so like my friends now I couldn’t have met. We’ve had like load of good memories, I’ve discovered so many good bands there. There would be like a Halloween gig that we played at, which is always good, because I always like to dress up. There was one night, I call it my favorite night there. All the bands that we’re friends with, we set up this night and we were playing covers, so like everyone just kind of mixing up fun songs together. I don’t think it was that enjoyable to everyone that wasn’t playing, but you could just set up a base and start playing whatever. It was a really fun night.”



–Is the place still very much like that nowadays?

“Yeah, yeah. It’s still very much like the same. I think the popularity of it, it’s kind of got that, people always say that it would be quite hard to be taken down.”



–Would you recommend the Japanese people to go check that place out if they have a chance to?




–Who are some musicians that you now hang out with, or often get to see, or just run into?

“A little mix of all the bands that basically play in London, no one really knows what’s coming which is quite nervous. But I feel a bit naive in there, like there’s lots of new young bands which is nice to watch.”

NeoL_GoatGirl | Photography : Yukitaka Amemiya



――ありがとうございます。じゃあ、まず『The Man』のMVについて。まるで『A Hard Day’s Night』だなと(笑)



Rosy「あのビデオを作ったCCウェイド、兄弟よ。それとプロデューサーがエレナ。『Cracker Drool』のビデオも作った人たちで、それがすごく楽しかったからまた一緒にやろうってなり、彼らにストーリーを考えてもらったんだけど、正直、私は最初ピンとこなかったの。でも、彼らならおもしろ可笑しく仕上げてくれるだろうと思ったし、私たちもそうしたかったの。だから、結果的にすごく楽しかったわ。とってもいい仕事相手だし、何でもそうだけど、彼らみたいに平等に接してくれるとやりやすい。こちらの希望も汲んでくれるし、いい関係よ」

–I would like to ask about the video that you did for The Man, that song, which is like “A Hard Day’s Night”. Who came up with the idea to make a video like that?

“CC Wade,They did the Cracker Drool video as well, and Elena is a prodecer.We really enjoyed doing that with them. And we wanted to do another video and they came up with the idea. I was not that sure about it at first, but I kind of made them do it in like a cheesy, but not cheesy, cringe way, kind of how we wanted it to come across. But yeah that was a really fun experience, I’d say. They’re really good to work with, they won’t make you do anything that you don’t do. They’re very equal. “

――ちょうど話が出た『Cracker Drool』について、歌詞の内容を少し話してもらえますか?


–Cracker Drool was another song that I wanted you to talk about. Would you describe what the song is about?

“It’s kind of about America obviously and then it’s kind of from the eyes of, from the perspective of someone trying to get into America. Everything around it is how Trump wants to be on a war between America and Mexico. Um it goes sort of like that, like American culture. It’s not really trying to attack anyone personally but blindly following this ridiculous thing that’s obviously like a really bad idea. So it’s kind of about that really.”



-Now that the album is out, you probably are planning quite an extensive tour? Not just in your own country but abroad as well?

“Yeah, we’ve got an American show coming up with Parquet Courts. It should be good. Yeah we worked with, we did SXSW with them, I love them, really like America. Everyone’s seems really friendly, and it’s quite, like, good. So quite different from England. Yeah I can’t wait to go on that tour.”



–Any particular part of the world that you would like to go to, as a part of the tour?

“I wanna go to Russia, but I don’t know if that’s going to happen, haha.”

–And here, as well? I hope.

“Maybe one day.”

NeoL_GoatGirl7 | Photography : Yukitaka Amemiya

photography Yukitaka Amemiya
text Mami Chino
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

Goat Girl
『Goat Girl』
Now On Sale
(Rough Trade / Beat Records)
国内盤特典:ボーナストラック3曲追加収録 / 解説・歌詞対訳付き

Tower Records:
iTunes Store:
Apple Music:


Goat Girl Japan Tour 2018
2018年6月27日 (水)
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
前売¥5,500(税込/別途1ドリンク代) ※未就学児童入場不可

2018年6月28日 (木)
渋谷 WWW
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
前売 ¥5,500 (税込/別途1ドリンク代) ※未就学児童入場不可

イープラス []
ローソンチケット 0570-084-003 []
チケットぴあ 0570-02-9999 []

企画・制作:BEATINK 03-5768-1277 []

Goat Girl



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